Practical information:
- THE NEXT TOUR SEASON: The 2024 tour season has now closed. The 2025 season will start Saturday April 26, 2025.
- COST: Tours are $35 per person and must be booked through this website. (You will get confirmation of your booking.) Payment in cash or via e-transfer is accepted. E-transfer payments to:
- SIZE: Minimum tour size is 4 people. If you request a tour for a day when fewer than four people have booked for that specific tour, you will be required to wait for a later date or pay $140 — the cost of a four-person tour.
- TIMES: Tours are available any day of the week, morning or afternoon and take about three hours. (Note: a 9:30 AM starting time for mid-summer tours is recommended.)
- BOOKING: Please book via one of the buttons below.
- GUIDE: All tours are led by Brian McDougall PhD, a life-long socialist, former public servant and university teacher.
- WHAT PEOPLE SAY about our tours:
- NEW TOUR IN 2024: Colonialism and Resistance in Canada’s Capital: Lessons from Indigenous, Irish, Black South African and Palestinian Struggles -> email to book
- SMALL GROUPS: Most tours have 4-5 people, allowing us to customize the tour to your needs and interests.
- STARTING POINTS: Once booked, tours proceed rain or shine and start from different locations. Please consult the page for the tour you’ve chosen for a map that shows the starting point.
- CUSTOM TOURS: We can provide custom and virtual tours, conference or meeting presentations with sufficient notice. Please contact us for more information.
- SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Please contact us for information about group rates or gift certificates.
- LABOUR TOURS: We now offer several labour tours. For information see our webpage for the 1919 strikes tour.
- FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please contact us via the form on this site.

Peoples’ History Walking Tours
Ottawa history for the 99%. Not the history you learned in school!

Heard enough about the ‘great men’ and their monuments?
See Ottawa through the eyes of the people who really live in and built the city.

Occupy Ottawa’s history!
A cure for historical amnesia.
Peoples’ History: Ottawa walking tours with a difference!
Our tours provide participants with an unforgettable learning experience that focuses on the lives and experiences of the people who actually built Ottawa (and Canada) but who are usually ignored by official history.
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